宮城県 桃浦漁港の横の道路を入っている時、偶然停泊しているの気がつき撮影した、小型捕鯨船5隻の内の3隻です。
[Tohoku Survey Report: Small Whaling Boat]
Three of the five small whaling boats I took when I happened to be moored while entering the road next to the Momonoura fishing port in Miyagi prefecture.
・ Koei Maru (No.8)
・ Daikatsu Maru (No.3)
・ Junyumaru (No.51)
No whales were found in this year’s small whaling, and they have already decided to stop whaling.
Therefore, the 7th Katsumaru is back at the Taiji fishing port.
You can see the harpoon cannon that kills the whales.
Free-living whales are suddenly killed one day.
Anti-whale protectors need to awaken to the need to curb their desire for food and money and protect their irreplaceable, Earth-mate whales.